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about Nino

   I am Nino Khundadze. I was born in Tbilisi, Georgia, still at the Soviet Union time, witnessed it`s end as a child. I was totally into art from early childhood. After school, I studied in Art Academy. Finished master’s degree in architecture and worked in several architectural studios for few years. After this my life changed, transformed from the usual one into something totally different, full of adventures, full of stories that one might not even believe were real. Life got me back to art. There is so much I want to tell. There is so much I want to write in words and paint with colors, that sometimes I think one life is not enough. So here I am, doing my best for this moment, sharing through my art and my words.

What I have done so far

  • Wrote an article about independent art spaces in Tbilisi for Maramora that can be seen here

  • March 2023 info about me and my project was published on MaraMora website here 

  • October-November 2022 collaborated with other artists in Short Film Cohort and created short video about: Why Artists are Essential.

  • October-November 2022 participated in project Pause_Play_Culture Under Pressure and created a project “Whispered Shouts” in collaboration with a programmer. Here you can visit the result and you are most welcome to participate in it.

  • September-November 2022 participates Crisis, Critical Resistance and Creative Resilience Workshop and created a workshop “Different Perspectives” and its guide art book.

  • August -September 2022 Participated in Call and Response 17 with the theme TIME, works can be seen here

  • September 2022 Participated in group exhibition "Stronger Together" organized by Artmumsunited. You can visit online exhibition here.

  • September 3 2022 participated in a group exhibition in Bucharest, Romania, organized by

  • July 2022 Participated in Call and Response 15 with the theme TEXT, works can be seen here.

  • From July 23rd till August 21st 2022 My two photos and an installation with video art was exhibited in Schiedam at Sodafabriek in a group exhibition No Taboo organized by Bookmark Collective. Also did a workshop on an opening night and works have been published in the local newspapers.  

  • June 2022 participated in Film Mosaic workshop and created a 3 minute short documentary.

  • March 2022 Participated in Call and Response 14, works can be seen here.

  • February 4th – March 1st 2022 My poem is exhibited at “The Trenton Poem Show” that is organized by Trenton Social.

  • December 2021 my installation idea was chosen and placed in Tbilisi Metro by ARTUP Tbilisi Metro Fest. You can check the outcome here.

  • December 2021 My photo is  published in the Synkroniciti Magazine.

  • August 2021 was one of the coordinators at OneCaucasus Festival and one of the trainers at Participatory Architecture Project.

  • May 2021 My works and poem were published in the Synkroniciti Magazine.

  • May 2021 did research for a book about Lebanese architecture.

  • March 2021 participated in Biennale of women in art.

  • 2021 was the graphic editor of two issues of Flora Fiction Magazine.

  • February 2021 Published in “Dictionary of Accepted Ideas in Art” in result of a Zoom-writing workshop of the Goethe-Institute Georgien and Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) curated by An Paenhuysen.

  • February 2021 Exhibited in the 1st International Photography Biennale "Reality and Abstraction" 

  • March 11 – April 3, 2021 my photo was chosen to exhibit in international curated photography exhibition at PH21 Contemporary Photography Gallery H-1092 Budapest, Ráday u. 55.

  • March 2021 My photo won to get published on the cover of Synkroniciti Magazine.

  • November 2020 photo published in Grimoire volume 3.

  • October 2020 Nominated by Artmumsunited

  • August 2020 Volunteer in Workshop team at “One Caucasus” festival in Marneuli.

  • July 2020 gave workshops for kids in photography, Creative writing and communication and connection with eye gazing, online in Servas Peace Summer School 12.

  • June 2020 participating in 3 weeks art project “Bookmark”, that ended with online exhibition of the works in October.

  • September 2018 till today organizing monthly eye contact experience events, once in a year together with more than 100 cities and on 26th of April 2020 am one of the organizers of Global online Eye contact festival.

  • From 2019 teaching Georgian to foreigners. Firs was teaching at “Community House”, then at "Tbilisi Lokal" and after privately.

  • February 2019 till covid started was organizing Tbilisi Creative Writing meetings once or twice a week where I was making up writing exercises, after we all wrote and shared our work. Hopefully will continue doing them after it will be safer for people to gather.

  • From 2017 till today several times painted fridge magnet to support children ill with cancer. You can see details about the project here.

  • December 9th 2019 Photo Works on theme “Unknown Portraits – Women and Activism” were exhibited at Writer`s House in Tbilisi.

  • September 2019 participated in BarCamp, in Kutaisi.

  • June 2019 Photo Works on theme “Women in Society” exhibited and won special prize of National Science Library.

  • June 2019 Photo Works on theme “Unknown Portraits – Women and Activism” were exhibited at Fabrika.

  • From January 2019 organizing Photo Walks and some other creative events in Tbilisi. Those events are free for everyone to participate in.

  • October 2019 photos were exhibited in group, exhibition in Azerbaidjan and Greece.

  • August 2019 Volunteer in Workshop team at “One Caucasus” festival in Marneuli.

  • July 3 — September 15, 2019 my photo works were presented as a slide show at Pasinger Fabric Gallery during exhibition “We are there, where we were going. A reverse look into tomorrow” in Munich

  • From November 2019 for several months was Volunteer at Georgian Wheelchair Basketball Federation.

  • Since January 2019 Volunteer at “Helping Hands”

  • Manager and participant at TBILISI 3rd International watercolor festival & exhibition Tbilisi, Georgia 1-6 June 2019.

  • May 1-6, 2019 Photos exhibited on Group exhibition “Life is Art” in Munich.

  • February 2019 three of my short stories where published in a book “Open Book Case” in Frankfurt. Few others will be published in the next edition.

  • November 16-19 2018 participated in Festival “Misamarti”. Photos taken under it were exhibited in Batumi around address Pirosmani st. 7, in the street.

  • October 2017 photos from me and an interview were published in the online underexposedmagazine

  • November 2018 January 2019 was part of collaborative art project “Scribeitdown”. Collaborative works done while project was exhibited in an online exhibition and in ofline one as well.

  • April-May 2018 was part of Creative Writing Group Frankfurt. Three of my short stories written there were published in March 2019.

  • October 2017 photos from me and an interview were printed in the not random art magazine.

  • 25-27 August 1-3 September was official photographer of the Urban Art Festival ibug in Chemnitz, Germany. I also took part in it by painting on one of the walls.

  • July and August 2017 took part in a project “Munich Stories” where I wrote a short story and made illustrations together with other artists and writers.

  • From 22.07.2017 till 04.08.2017 photos from me were exhibited in Berlin, in “Gallery Makovski”

  • From April 2017– took part in “500 Artists say Hello“, my work was exhibited in Munich and printed in a book.

  • January 2017 was part of a “PoolPlay” project TIME and SPACE of the Uncertain, how do you relate?

  • December 2016, January, February, March, April 2017 my photos where printed in “Average Art Magazine”

  • Photos from me were exhibited in Jungen-Club in Meerane.

  • Took part in project “Memories for the future”, photos done while project were exhibited from 11.02.2016 till 17.05.2016 in Glauchau, Germany.

  • From April 2016 till today am part of “Munich Artists” and am doing projects and artistic challenges with them. Some of them where published in books, some were exhibited and some are on facebook in our group.
    April 2016 – took part in “500 Artists say Hello“, my work was exhibited in Munich and printed in a book.
    May 2016 – Was sketching live on opening of “FootLocker“ shop in Munich.
    June 2016 – Painted live for 5 hours at Footlocker shop opening in Munich.
    July 2016 – Created masks and video under project “True Self”
    October 2016 – Took part in “500 Artists playing cards”

  • November 2015 – Photos from me were printed in Berliner Telegraph.

Links to online exhibitions I have been part of:

Guest post at Munich Artists:


A video created by me for my friend's music:

A song written my me:

An interesting collaboration I am part of :

Interview with Ilovecreatives

Huge thank you to Sameer Kermalli for creating such a beautiful video

Huge thank you to Nazira Mubarova for capturing special moments and day such an amazing way and letting it last forever

© 2021 by Nino Khundadze. Proudly created with

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